Wednesday 10 February 2010


As previously mentioned in my storyline, my character will be using a shotgun. These guns have become the stereotypical defence weapon featured in many zombie films, due to them having devastating effect at close range.
For a more authentic prop, I felt plastic toy guns would appear unrealistic, and shotgun and BB guns seemed too expensive just to use for this film.
I chose to resort to this real 19th century pistol that belonged to my family, which has been deactivated, which will look truly authentic as it is made of the same materials that would be used for a real shotgun as well as it bearing a resemblance to a sawn off shotgun.

However, I did not feel it had enough bulk to it, not to mention it only has one barrel. So, I decided to tape two plastic tubes over the real barrel to resemble a double-barrelled shotgun. Here I have taken a photo after I stuck the tubes to the gun with black tape, although it seems to have lost some degree of realism due to the odd proportions. I feel it now looks more powerful and will help to give my main character a more menacing persona (like Arnold Schwartzenegger's shotgun in Terminator 2). Also the college cameras I will be using to shoot my film would not have enough detail to make them out so I would create the right impression without resorting to expensive props.

For my characters melee weapon, I have decided to replace the crow bar with a survival knife, as I can make a convincing prop knife out of card and tin foil that will resemble my real knife pictured here. For some scenes such as shots of drawing the knife from its sheath, I will use the real knife, so the audience can establish that it appears authentic. Of coarse for scenes of combat against the zombies I will be using my fake tin foil knife, as whilst acting, it is too dangerous to use safely with my actors. Again as it will be used in action shots, it be continuously swung, so the audience will not be able to distinguish whether it is real or fake. I decided to choose a knife over the crowbar in my original storyboard, as I felt it seemed more professional for a survival rather than using a random tool like a crowbar. I also realised it would be easier to take a fake knife to my locations than crowbar, as I may be reported to the Police by any passers by whilst filming.

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