Thursday 11 February 2010

Finishing Touches to Print Text 1

For the style and font of the title text I want to use something similar to the logo title from the 'Left 4 Dead' computer game series, here to the right I have included the title for 'Left 4 Dead 2' as an example.
The reason I am using this logo for inspiration is firstly because the 'Left 4 Dead' franchise is a popular Zombie series, but because I liked the shear contrast of
bright colours. The use is white writing against a dark background, with blood splattered across looks admirable to me because of how bold it is, with the blood giving a hint of the films horror content, which is more subtle opposed to the whole poster being bright red like the '28 Days later Poster'.

Here I have drawn out a rough draft of my ideas for the poster, where I have compiled the two images into one picture of what appears like an immense zombie face emerging out of the night sky ready to pounce upon the unsuspecting main character at the bottom of the poster.
It made realize that when I come to making the real thing on photoshop I need to edit the image to be darker to suit the topic of the film, and that I should use the font 'Impact' for the title to make it more bold and intimidating.

After compiling together all these features, I finally devised this poster for my film using the programme Photoshop. As well as editing the lower screenshot, I also edited the above image of the Zombies face, making it paler so it looked as if it was actually dead.

I also added several fake reviews and fake Warner Brothers logo to make it come across as more profesional.

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