Thursday 11 February 2010

Evaluation: Audiences Review

After presenting my finished production to my media class, I happily received positive comments from everyone in the room. However, after carefully reading my classmate’s feedback, it intrigued me how certain sections were disappointing to some viewers but praised by others. For example one persons feedback who liked the music, felt the fight scene looked too amateur, whilst another despised the music but was thrilled by the final battle.
On the other hand I found common positive trends, as everyone thought the props and costumes I used where up to standard and in some reviews regarded as excellent, which I am pleased about. Also, I was satisfied when the main ‘scary scene’ of my short, made several people jump, which I was trying to achieve.
One negative trend I noticed on practically every feedback sheet was that the TV static was far too loud, which I will admit myself, as I used it repetitively, it became tedious, and made me cringe let alone my classmates. On the whole I am pleased with my classmates opinions and agree with the majority of criticisms, which I will try to eradicate when making another production.

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