Wednesday 24 February 2010

Strengths, Weaknesses and Final Summary

Even within my planning before I went out shooting, I began making some adjustments from my original storyline. First, when considering the rating of my film, making me rethink how I was going to carry out the fighting scene and how gory I made it, and then secondly replacing a crowbar with a survival knife. Sadly I could not get the people I originally wanted to act as my Zombies due to time constraints, when I had the opportunity to book a camera from college, so I had to rely on my younger brother filling the space. Although I was impressed by his performance and grateful for him helping me, I still felt one of my own friends who I had originally intended to fill the role would have looked more threatening. The people I originally chose were taller and bulkier than myself, which would have given a greater sense of suspense for the audience as it would have looked like an unfair battle between my character and the zombie, as opposed to my younger, smaller brother.
Also I should have edited the pace of the news report scenes to be much quicker and made each clip shorter than the last to build up suspense more quickly, rather than the repetitive and tedious scene I produced in the final cut. Furthermore, on editing criticisms, I should not have made the TV static footage so loud, as it made my classmates cringe and cover their ears when I presented the finished film to the class.
However I was overjoyed when people stated in their feedback that I had an excellent selection of props costumes and location, and that they even found it scary. I personally believed that my location especially worked well to portray the story and to convey the right emotions to the audience. Shots of the Donnigton locations for example were perfect as they depicted deserted urban landscape in broad daylight, like in ‘I am Legend’. I felt that the daylight helped to emphasise the absence of life.
On the whole, with what I had to make do with I was extremely pleased my Film, and from the whole experience I have improved on my filming and editing skills compared my project from last year.

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