Wednesday 10 February 2010

Target Audience

My film is targeted at young adolesant males, typical fans of both action and horror movies, although unlike typical horror films, I do not want my feature to be rated as an 18. This would result in limiting my potential target audience. Here I may have to alter and re-plan some of my scenes to fit the rating criteria of a 15, as I believe my film will appeal to boys around that age as well.
As I mentioned when looking at BBFC ratings, I feel that the subject of an apocalypse and such a focus on death is too disturbing for a younger audience and would be suited to more mature audience.
I believe my film is fitting for a premdominatly male audience, as males are typically stereotyped to enjoy violence and action. This is possibly due to males leading lifestyles that involve active elements such as contact sports. Males are also naturally more aggressive and engage in fighting each other far more when compared to similar aged females.
On the other hand, horror sometimes appeals to a wide range of female audiences, so perhaps some teenage girls will enjoy the horror elements in my short film.
Although my audience is mainly young males, my film should be enjoyed by males from both well educated backgounds as well as less financially disadvantaged lifestyles as elements such as the classical music is more suitable for intellectuals, whilst working class audiences may relate to the setting of urban decay backdrops.
However, I would say my target audience is more swayed to the more educated males as I feel the television and radio news reports at the beginning of my film are appropriate for those with a taste for intellectual media such as news broadcasts and newspapers.

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