Tuesday 8 December 2009

Locations Continued

Underpass to Madeley, Woodside
Although it would mean my scene will greatly divulge from what I planned in my storyboard, its and interesting and spooky location. It would be good to have suspense filled scenes such as my main character being corned by zombies from both entrances. Its is the closest location to where I live.

Snedshill, Oakengates
Outside Oakengates there was once a large factory on Snedshill which also got burnt and demolishes, leaving a massive pile of rubble. Although it gives the same effect as the Fugly Uker's location except on a much grander scale it is awkward to get to, arrange all my friends to meet and film there. Also its is fenced off, and I not sure getting permission to film there will be allowed.

Possible Locations for main footage

I looked for appropriate locations around Telford to use for the main fighting sequence in film. Any locations I do not choose I will still shoot footage off, to use at the beginning of my film when footage of Brownfield sites and other useful locations will be shown on screen.

Rubble of Fugly Uckker's, Dawley
There was once a bar in the town park area outside Dawley called Fugly Ucker's, however it was burnt down and all that remains today are piles of rubble and overgrown vegetation. This is a vary appropriate location as it gives the appearance of urban destruction, and with the absence of people its has become overgrown. It is also useful as it is within reasonable walking distance from my house where my friends live, so it would be easier to arrange everyone going there to film.

Tweedale Industrial Estate
This industrial estate is even closer to where I live than the Fugly Ucker's location, and for most days a week it is quiet or even deserted. The most of the building has been graffitised on and most of area is also overgrown, again giving the impression of human absence in an even more urban area. However, there are not many places in this location where zombies could hide, as I mentioned in the storyboard, the zombies almost appear out of no-where and surround my character.

Lightmoor Retirement Castle
Again this is close to where I live, and unlike the previous two locations this stretch of land is always deserted, and there is hardly any chance of any civilians interrupting my filming. Also there is plenty of long dead grass, perfecting hiding places for zombies, which the audience will find believable. I also like how there is a random container, roadblocks and a torn down telegraph pole, all interesting features.

Tuesday 1 December 2009


Apart from the speech from the news reports, there will be very little dialogue in my film, apart from what I have written here for my own news report. Although I mentioned earlier that it will be awkward for me to film my own studio report, I will also include my own audio report that will be read out by one of my friends with no visual footage.
This report can be either a radio broadcast or an unseen television broadcast, which I will play in the background when the credits come on screen, as I feel this will make them more interesting. I have decided to write and include my own report as I feel the channel 4 news reports will not be able to give enough information for the audience to get the gist of the story, as they have to be edited to hide the fact they are real reports on entirely different matters. Also my own audio report will be read out in an American accent, to give an impression that the infection has become a global crisis.
Here is my simple script which I will use in the opening of my film:

Report 1: "...They're still unsure of exactly how it's spread to epidemic proportions. Quarantine was enforced on the city by the police this morning with road blocks across the major highways and riot police outside the hospitals.."

Report 2: "..Dismissed report of the deceased re-animating and becoming hostile to civilians have now been proven to actually be true. Reports from the city morgues and from the streets.."

There will of coarse be other sounds by my characters in the film, such as the groans and screams of the zombies as well as my main character making various anger or fear yells and other noises during the action scenes. I believe this will create an atmosphere of tension and realism.