Monday 2 November 2009

Storyline/ Storyboard part 3

Then in a close up shot of the figure, it turns around to face the camera to reveal that it is actually a female zombie. At this point the main male character is in a prone stance over a pile of rubble aiming his gun at the hostile zombie, which is now emitting a horrific scream. However just before my character fires I will then use a low angle shot to show another zombie lunching over the main character, like some horrific silhouette against the sky. It will look similar to this image to the right here except with the protagonist character in the bottom of the shot. This will build up extra fear and tension for the main character as he is unaware of this new threat and is vulnerable to surprise attack.

Still oblivious to the zombie behind him and continuous to shoot at the female zombie in the distance. After the sound of the gunshot I will continue this now more exciting audio with some fast tempo music to back up the now engrossing events which are unfolding as the new zombie from behind lunches for the main character. Realise the zombies presence, my character drops his weapon and roles over to defend himself as the zombie grabs him. Whilst this is happening I will continuously switch between close up shots of the brawl, also using a range of high and low angle shots, again resembling this screenshot from a video game I have pictured to the right here.

However my main character manages to break away from his attacker unharmed, and draws out a crowbar and uses to strike the zombie in the head. As the zombie falls back defeated I will use a slow motion shot to show the gushes of blood flying through the air from its head. It will bear a resemblance from this screenshot from another zombie game here to the right again, although of coarse, my character will not be using cricket bat.
As the zombie crashes to the ground I fill fade out to black, then role on the credits, ending my short film.

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