Monday 23 November 2009

Other people's footage

For the news reports and other short clips at the beginning of my film I will use footage of real news reports of featuring civil unrest, war, terrorist disasters and other chaos, although I will only use around a second of each clip in my film. I am resorting to this as I soon realised the logistics involved in creating realistic reports was currently beyond my ability. I instead, used the camera to record a few seconds of news reports being played on my computer.

Not only am I resorting to using a real television report for a split second scene, but I soon realised that if I record a channel four news report of John Snow, viewers will recognise readily the reporter and therefore find the scene even more realistic and believable. The Youtube video I will be using will be which I have a screenshot of to the right. When I use this footage at the beginning I will edit the clip to where Snow is explaining about a mass evacuation, to give the viewers the impression that the report is about people escaping zombies when actually it is about an earthquake.
I will also use another channel 4 news report I found on Youtube of civil unrest in Africa, and edit it to where the reporter informs about the police shooting at people, to give the impression that he is refering to police shooting zombies instead. The url for this video is

I will not only use other people's footage of news reports but also footage of real riots, the main one I will use will be a Youtube video of riot police attacking protesters at the G20 Climate summit pictured right. I have chosen this as it appears the police are trying to contain a mob of infected people.
The video url is

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